Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy
Find-A-Pest is closely linked to iNaturalist and iNaturalist NZ.
The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of iNaturalist NZ apply to Find-A-Pest.
In addition to iNaturalist NZ terms, Find-A-Pest will retain information pertaining to the location, date, username, and photo(s) associated with any observations that you have submitted using Find-A-Pest in perpetuity for biosecurity purposes. These observations will be retained by Find-A-Pest if you delete your iNaturalist NZ account.
By sharing images through the Find-A-Pest app you give permission for Find-A-Pest to reproduce and/or use the image(s) in any way as required by Find-A-Pest. This may include, but is not limited to, social media, the Find-A-Pest website and printed marketing material.
Location of observation data and contact information is an essential part of using the app as this allows tracking of pest locations and monitoring of pests.
Authorised Find-A-Pest identifiers will assess unknown observations or those species that are potentially new to New Zealand. If they update the taxon name associated with your observation and forward this to iNaturalist NZ then this taxon update will be attributed to your iNaturalist NZ user account.
Find-A-Pest may share your details and observations with relevant NZ primary sector representatives, relevant Mana Whenua groups, and/or local and central government agencies. You may be contacted directly by a NZ Government agency for biosecurity purposes. If you have given consent for your details and observations to be shared with relevant local pest control groups we will share your information accordingly. We may contact you for feedback about your experiences using this app for the purposes of continuous improvement of our services.
Find-A-Pest reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time as necessary.
By using the Find-A-Pest site and/or app, you agree to these terms.
Terms and Conditions last updated June 2023.